Cancellation And Refund Policy


  • We did not offer any refund or exchange if exact 15 days have gone by since your purchase.
  • To finalize your return, we require original receipt and document of purchase.

Refund will be processed within 3 - 4 working days.

In order to claim the refund; proper documents as evidence and track history is required.

If delivery gets delayed or cancelled due to natural calamities and unforeseen circumstances, then only value of the product will be refunded, no shipping charges will be refunded.


1. No trial version for this software is available.

2. You can purchase ALBUM FORMULA, directly from our website and mobile application and it requires activation key for activation of the software.

3. You can cancel your order anytime, before and after activation of the software.

  • 100% amount will be refundable before registration & activation.
  • No amount will be refundable after registration & activation.

4. Before placing any order, read our policies very carefully. If you are satisfied with our policies, then only place any order; else please don’t do it.